Next Steps

Many churches know what they should be doing and the motivation for doing it, but fail to develop a plan to accomplish it. This is why most churches are declining and/or dying. Too often churches do not take time to prayerfully evaluate the best method for carrying out their mission. Instead, they default to traditions and “the way we have always done it.” Traditions are not necessarily bad, but prioritizing tradition over mission leads to decline.

Trusting in the power of God and not ourselves, we shall institute a discipleship pathway that reveals the expectations of each member; namely, how we disciple believers and equip those being discipled to make disciples themselves. While our strategy is focused in the context of our local church, it is understood that each individual member shall pursue Christlikeness in their daily lives. Bringing the love of Christ to a hurting world requires us to be intentional in our actions, therefore we have a four-step discipleship pathway: